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Everything In Its Place: Positioning with CSS

Paul Stefko
Mar 25, 2022
An introduction to more precise positioning of elements with CSS.
Tagscss html
📕 5 min.

Between normal flow layout and more advanced models like Flexbox and Grid, your browser does a pretty great job putting all the elements of your page together in a sensible manner. But sometimes you want more control over where certain elements get placed, even taking them out of the normal flow of content entirely. That's where the position CSS property comes in.

Each of these positioning options uses the top, bottom, left, and right properties to set the element's position. How those four properties works varies with each type of positioning, however.

Relative Positioning

An element with position: relative can be positioned by any amount offset from its normal place in the content flow. Everything else on the page gets positioned as if the relative element were in its normal place, but the element is drawn offset from there.

For a relative element, top moves the object down for a positive value and up for a negative one, relative where its box would normally be in the flow. left moves the object right for a positive value and left for a negative one. bottom and right are opposite these.

Say we have three boxes arranged in a line with Flexbox:

<div class="flex">
<div class="box"></div>
<div class="box"></div>
<div class="box"></div>
.flex {
display: flex;
margin-top: 2em;

.box {
height: 2em;
width: 2em;
background-color: green;
border: 1px solid blue;
margin-right: 1ch;

If we give the middle box position: relative and top: -1em, what happens?

It moves up by 1em. But you can see that its normal space in the content flow is maintained. None of the elements around it are affected.

Absolute Positioning

Both position: absolute and position: fixed take the element out of the normal content flow. Everything around the element gets placed as if the element didn't exist.

With position: absolute, the element is placed relative to the edges of its closest positioned parent. If nothing else above it has position defined, it will default to the initial containing block, which usually means the viewport of the browser. To control how absolutely positioned elements are placed, you can give the parent element position: relative without giving it any top, bottom, etc.

An element with position: fixed is always placed relative to the initial containing block, even if one of its parents is positioned. (The exception to this rule is if the fixed element's parent has a CSS transform effect applied, but we'll have to talk about those some time in the future.)

For either of these options, top, bottom, left, and right work like they do with relative, only they are counted from the corresponding edge of the containing block (the parent or the viewport).

If we take those three boxes from before and make the second one position: absolute (and make the flex container position: relative to keep everything in check), we get this:

The "middle" box has been removed from the content flow, so the other two boxes are now placed next to each other. Then the positioned box is placed 1em above the top of the flex container. Since no left or right property was defined, it defaults to the left edge of the container.


What can you do with these options? All sorts of neat tricks. But here's a quick example.

Say you have a <div> that serves as important reminder text. You want to call this out to the reader and make sure they read it carefully. To do this, you can put in some kind of icon to draw their attention.

<div class="note">
...icon goes here, some kind of image...
...text goes here...
.note {
position: relative;
...any other styling...
.icon {
position: absolute;
top: -1ch;
left: -1ch;
...any other styling...
Ut id deserunt culpa cupidatat est ullamco. Officia laborum pariatur amet esse esse et fugiat eiusmod elit qui voluptate ea. Consequat cupidatat commodo irure aute eiusmod quis ex sint. Nulla pariatur ad enim elit quis ut dolor. Ullamco duis aliqua nisi ullamco magna ipsum adipisicing dolore et ad proident. Enim et sunt ea do cupidatat velit cupidatat consectetur proident dolor sint quis.

So, we have a box of text with a prominent icon overlapping the upper left corner. The icon doesn't affect the layout of the text inside the box.


There's a lot more we can do with positioning properties, like making menu bars that stay fixed to the edge of the screen even when you scroll. Those are exercises for the future, however. For now, think about ways you might use them in your own projects. I'm sure you'll come up with plenty of ideas.