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Turn the Page: Document Object Model

Paul Stefko
Mar 30, 2022
An introduction to basic concepts of the DOM, the model that JavaScript uses to understand and manipulate the elements on your HTML page.
📕 2 min.

When your browser loads a web page, it reads the HTML and creates a model of all the elements in it. This is known as the document object model (or DOM), and you can access it through JavaScript to manipulate the page.


The page as a whole is represented by the document object. You can think of it like a tree graph, with document at the base, each of its children on its own branch, each of their children on a branch, and so on. The various properties and methods of document let you navigate, search, and change this tree.

A few of the the document's child elements are called out as explicit properties:

  • document.body represents the <body> element
  • document.head similarly represents the <head> element

And a few properties give you collections of child elements, which can be accessed like an array:

  • document.children is all child elements on the page
  • document.forms is all <form> elements
  • document.links is all links (<a> elements) on the page

But it's possible to search for a specific element or group of elements. Lets look at that.

Finding Elements

Every element on a page, including document, has methods that let you find specific children: querySelector() and querySelectorAll(). These each take a string containing one or more selectors, just like you use in CSS to style an element. querySelector() returns the first child element that matches the argument, while querySelectorAll() returns a collection of every child element that matches.

// find each element on the page with the "box" class
let boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".box");

If you use querySelectorAll(), it returns a NodeList object, which works like an array in some ways but not all. The NodeList has a length property that tells you how many elements are in it, but you can't do a lot of the tricks we'll talk about in the future for arrays.

Elements & Their Properties

Individual elements have properties reflecting pretty much every facet about them you'd want to know. One of the most important for our purposes at present is Element.classList, which contains all of the CSS classes assigned to the element.

You'll interact with Element.classList primarily through its methods. These let you add(), remove(), or toggle() specific classes on the element, restyling in response to user input. (We'll use this in our random tables example in the future.)


All right. This was an extremely brief intro to the DOM. It's one of those topics that you really only learn through examples. We're building to one at the end of the week, but first, we'll cover a couple of topics that were a little beyond our earlier intros. Until next time.