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Introducing Cascading Style Sheets

Paul Stefko
Mar 16, 2022
We take our first look at Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, the language that defines what a web page looks like.
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So far, we've talked mainly about structuring your content, whether it's in Markdown or HTML. Now, we can get into what your document actually looks like with the next major web technology: Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS.

CSS controls pretty much every visual attribute of an HTML element in the browser, from height and width to background color and so much more. It does this by setting rules, or styles, that apply to sets of elements. Styles cascade, meaning that a child element will inherit all of the styles of its parents, unless another more specific style overrides them.

Defining Styles

What does this all look like? Here's an example of a simple CSS style that turns all of the links on your page pink:

a {
color: pink;

The first bit there is the selector. A selector is how you focus the style on a set of elements. We'll talk about it more in a bit. For now, just know that a selects every <a> element in the document.

Everything within the curly braces {} defines the style. The text before the colon is a property, and the text after the colon is the value. In this case, color means the color of any text inside the element, and pink is a defined color name. Each property definition must end with a semicolon ;.

To include a CSS style sheet in your document you can use a <link> element to bring in an external file, or you can use a <style> element to write the CSS directly in your HTML. A <link> goes in the <head> element. While <style> can technically appear in the body, it's good practice to put it in <head> as well.

<link> needs a few attributes to tell the browser what to do:

<link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet">

href is the address of your CSS file. This can be a local file, in which case the address is relative to the page you're viewing. Or it can be a file on another server, in which case you'll use the file's full URL.

Selectors & Specificity

You can find elements in a number of ways using CSS selectors, and the language can get pretty complex once you know what you're doing. For now, we'll look at the basics.

The broadest way to select an element is just with its type, like we did in the example above. This will find every element in your page of that type, so make sure the style is something you want to show up a lot.

Then, you can search for elements that have a specific attribute. You do that by putting the attribute in square brackets []. If you just want to select any element that has the attribute at all, leave it like that. But if you want to find elements with an attribute that has a specific value, add = and the value after the attribute name in the brackets.

As an example, if you wanted to find every checkbox in forms on your page, you could use the following selector.

[type="checkbox"] {


A special attribute that any element can have is class. This is for adding CSS classes, which let you group elements that would otherwise not be grouped together. Every word in the class attribute is treated as a seperate CSS class. Instead of using the square brackets attribute selector, you reference classes in your CSS file with a period . at the beginning of the class name:

.class-name {


Finally, any element can have an id attribute. The value of this attribute must be unique in the whole file. You reference an id in your CSS file with a hash character # at the beginning of the id:

#element-id {


Some selectors are more specific than others, and more specific selectors that would apply to the same element take precedence over less specific ones. This is a complicated calculation, but the basics are:

  1. Type selectors are the least specific.
  2. Class and attribute selectors are more specific than type selectors.
  3. ID selectors are the most specific.

If two selectors are the same specificity and would apply to the same element, the one that comes later in the style sheet will take effect.

There's a lot more to using selectors—pseudo-classes, chaining selectors, combinators, etc.—but that's for another post.


I've put together an example of an HTML file with an external CSS style sheet, which you can grab at GitHub. Grab the files and take a look at some simple styling, including specificity.

With these basics under our belts, we can move on to some topics that will help you start making proper documents for your games. Until then, play around with the example files and see what you can make of them.