coding character sheets

CSS Length Units

Paul Stefko
Aug 31, 2022
We go over the basics of length and sizing in CSS, including both relative and absolute values.
📕 3 min.

One of the most important considerations in design is size. How big is a given element? How big are the spaces between elements? We anser these questions in CSS properties like width, margin, and so on. These properties take values of the <length> type.


A length unit is written as a number follwed by a few characters denoting the unit, with no space between. If you wanted something to have a length of 1 inch, you would write 1in.

Some units, like in are absolute, relating to real-world measurements, pixels on the display, and so on. Other units are relative, based on some other value inherited from elsewhere in our style sheet or from the user agent, the browser's default values.

Relative Lengths

In most cases, you want to use relative length units. These let your design respond fluidly to the user's particular setup. Relative units are given a computed value when the browser renders them, derived from whatever reference is appropriate for the unit.

Font-based Units

The most common length units based on font are em and rem. These refer to the overall size of a particular font: the font of the current element for em or the root element (usually the <html> element) for rem. (A typical browser default for 1rem is 16px.)

I recommend basing as much of your design's sizing as possible on rem. It lets you mainting a consistent visual rhythm even if the user changes the font size. The user has good reasons for making such a change, whether its accessibility or simple comfort, and your design shouldn't fight them.

Other font-relative units include:

  • ch, equal to the width (or more accurately, the advance measure) of the 0 character in the current font;
  • ic, equal to the advance measure of the æ°´ character in the current font;
  • ex, equal to the x-height of the current font, which is usually the height of lower-case letters.

Viewport-based Units

It is also possible to base lengths off of the size of the viewport using relative units. The most common of these are the vh and vw units, where 1vh is equal to 1% of the height of the viewport and 1vw is 1% of its width.

Using vh and vw in a resizable viewport (a desktop browser as opposed to mobile, for example) can give unintended results at times. In these cases, you can use vmin and vmax, which are relative to the smaller viewport dimension and the larger, respectively.

Absolute Lengths

Sometimes, you'll need to use absolute lengths in your design. The best time for them is when you know the specific dimensions you are targeting, such as when you are designing for print. Available units include:

  • real-world measures such as inches in, centimeters cm, or milimeters mm;
  • print-based measures like the point pt (1/72nd of an inch) or the pica pc (12 points or 1/6th of an inch)
  • or the pixel px (1/96th of an inch), which may be a single physical pixel on a low-resolution device or multiple on high-resolution devices.


Here we have the basics of CSS length units. Whenever you need to set a font size, define an element's dimensions, or position something, you can use one of these units. For more information, including discussion of how these units are derived technically, check out the MDN article on length.